Monday 4 February 2008



I went out at lunch time yesterday with the prime directive of buying Hubby something nice for Valentine's Day. When we were in Bournemouth a couple of weeks back, we came across the most extraordinary chocolate shop called Hotel Chocolat, where the chocolates were probably the most expensive I have ever seen and young ladies were walking about in smart uniforms, giving people really nice free samples of their wares -I was offered a piece of 75% cocoa-mass chile chocolate and it was absolutely gorgeous! Whilst we were there, Hubby bought me a small toy dog with a Hotel Chocolat swag bag and told me it was for Valentine's Day, which was really sweet of him since we normally don't give one another anything more than a card for February 14th, and then treat ourselves to a nice meal out. But of course, I can't let him give me something without returning the compliment and I thought - Bingo! I'll get him the DVD of 'The 300' which we saw in the cinema about a year ago. Then, whilst wandering around HMV the other day in Croydon, we came across it as one of a Buy-Three deal - so that went out of the window because it was too good a deal to miss.

When I woke up yesterday morning I thought, I will nip out at lunch time today and get him something else and, dutifully, at 12.50, I hopped onto a tram and hopped off at Centrale. I wandered through Croydon looking at this and that then had the brainwave of looking in Smiths to see if there are any biographies he'd be most likely to read (as they are the only kind of books he will read). I was okay till I was almost leaving the shop. Having decided there was nothing suitable, I was just thinking of where else I could go when I spotted something which, on impulse, I bought. The only problem is that it is for me and not for Hubby! Personally, I blame W H Smith. They obviously hadn't stopped to consider that a writer could walk in and see the most delicious gift package entiled "My Story" and not be able to resist it. Basically it is just a gorgeous hard back book to write in - the cover of which has "My Story" scrolled across it in calligraphy and a sweet little paperback giving you tips on how to write your memoirs for posterity. It is not often I do something so unbelievably girlie. In our house the shopoholic is my husband! And it is now one less day until Valentines and I am no closer to buying something for him! I may have to have another go tomorrowe.

What I did finally manage to do yesterday evening was meet up with Illustrator Ashley for a quick conflab on the new book - or more specifically, the illustrations for it. It was very nice. We met straight after work in Caffe Nero's in George Street, had a hot drink, then spread our papers out across two tables and tossed a few ideas about. It was terribly bracing to be doing what writers do and forget for an hour that I still have to work as a PA. We came up with a few things and I am going to email Sarah the Publisher shortly and update her. Ashley the Illustrator has promised to have the cover artwork ready before 18th Feb which is when Sarah the Publisher wants it and I have come away inspired and fired up again. Watch this space for futher details.

Just quickly before I go, I just have to mention that we had a small Coming Out party last Saturday for Youngest Grandson. When we originally arranged it, Mother was going to attend, but she has been swept into deepest darkest Camberley to recuperate after her accident the other week and sent her apologies. It was probably better that way. I daren't think what would have happened if Grand-daughter had, in innocent joy, gone to leap onto her great Granny's lap and caught the injured shin with her toes. I have promised Mother we'll arrange another tea just for her when she is better. Middle Sister couldn't make it but Youngest Sister did and she brought along Lovely Brother-in-Law, 19-year old Neice and 10 year old Nephew. Everyone had cuddles with Grand-daughter and Youngest Grandson and 10 year old Nephew found himself very much the object of Grand-daughter's affections when she trailed around after him all afternoon and had him rolling around the floor like a two year old himself! It was really nice and Youngest Grandson was on his very best behaviour.

I think that's it for now so I better go - stuff to do. Catch you next time. Hopefully with a present for Hubby to tell you about!

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