Tuesday 19 February 2008


I don't know why, but I am feeling decidely low in mood tonight. It has grown with me all day, like some nasty, festering boil. I don't know if it is because of my age. Or because I am so unhappy at work. Or because I just don't feel a hundred per cent. Or maybe even eternal optomists get fed-up from time to time? Does anyone else get days like that? Where it takes every ounce of willpower you possess to get out of bed and then you spend the entire day just getting more an more and more stressed out. It is very out of character for me to feel so sorry for myself but in fact I do feel sorry for myself, which is just pathetic.

It is quiet here in my study. Even the cat has deigned to stay down on the sofa, curled up like a monochromatic fluffy cushion - she reminds me of the great big dice that people sometimes hung in their front windscreens(that is going back a bit)when I was young and carefree and felt as if nothing could get in my way. Hubby left for work an hour ago. My brother, who lives in Denmark and who, I have just realised (to my shame), I have never mentioned before ("Bro, these are my Blogspot Buddies, Blogspot Buddies, this is Bro")lifted the mood enormously when we were on the phone half an hour ago. He is the only person in the entire world who can reduce me to a quivering, giggling heap in the space of two minutes and he did so with aplomb tonight! I was literally crying with laughter as he related struggles with his newly installed computer system that brings everything - even English sites - up in Danish and will not let him translate to his native tongue. Luckily, he has lived out there long enough to understand the rudiments of the language - both written and verbal - so I am sure he will cope. He just has this knack of hitting my laughter button and sometimes, when I am feeling like this, he is just the tonic I need!

I have got lots to do. Sarah the Publisher wants the first draft of the third book by 8th March. This will not be a problem. I am going to devote every night next week to getting it finished. She also wants the puzzles and factoids for the second book by the end of February. I have got these - I just need to finalise them and get the drafts over to her soon as poss. To be brutally frank, I will be quite relieved when the series is finished because I am desperate to start on something completely new. It has been a struggle because I never wrote the first book expecting there to be two sequels - if I had known, I may well have expanded the first book in the first place to accommodate them.

Now don't misunderstand me here. The Yucketypoo books have transformed my writing career - and my life - in a way I could never have imagined. I have not earned a penny from it as yet and because the publisher who took it on is small, there have been no big fat advances - no advances of any kind, to be honest, although they have ploughed a huge amount of cash into its production already. I could not possibly have foreseen when the two sequels were commissioned that the books would, of themselves, become a full time job.

That fact, bearing in mind that I also do a full time day job is, I think, what I am finding so completely draining. Which, in turn, lead to days like this when I feel tired, stressed and completely pissed off with everything. I slammed the phone down on the guy I am PA to this afternoon when what he'd called about was not his fault. I very (oh so very) nearly went AWOL at lunchtime because I could not face going back to that office. I grouched at some poor kid on the tram because his bag bumped my shoulder, I lost it with Hubby, who is the world's kindest, most supportive and patient hubby, over something so utterly trivial, I can't even remember what it was and I slammed the lid of my trusty laptop down in rage when I could not connect to the internet earlier. Add to all that the guilt I am now feeling (no wonder Cat chose to stay downstairs this evening, she probably figured she'd be safer) at being such a total Grump all day, and you will see exactly why eternal optomists really can become complete pessimists from time to time.

Oh well, I think that is enough moaning for today. I am very sorry, Dear Blogspot Buddy, if my ramblings have dulled your mood, this evening. Pray excuse the meanderings of a Post Menopausal fifty year old writer who should really (truth be known) know better!!!!


Anne Brooke said...

I certainly get days like this - so don't worry (if that's possible). Suggest doing two practical things to make yourself feel better - I do stuff like have a reflexology appointment, watch a film I really like and which makes me laugh or just get out and and look at some birds (but that's just me!).

Other stuff which helps are Lane's Calming Pills (from Tesco and any supermarket) or Seven Seas Tonic (if you're physically tired too). Also sleep.

Hoping you feel better soon - and well done on all the writing successes. (Maybe you're just trying to do too much and need some time off? - it could be as simple as that ...)

Love & hugs anyway


JILLS said...

Bless you, Anne, what a sweet comment! I do actually feel a lot better today but I think you are right - alot of it is from burning the candle at both ends all the time. The writing is a full time job on its own but circumstances dictate I do a full time job, too, so I am sure you have hit the nail on the head.

I do appreciate your taking the time to read my blog. Do you have one I can catch up with?

Anne Brooke said...

Glad you're feeling better, Jill! And yes - sleep. Force yourself to have some if you have to. It works!

And sadly I do have a blog - http://annebrooke.blogspot.com - but as it's something akin to comedy psychodrama, you may have to feel a bit stronger to read it!!

Hugs galore


The Manager said...

I feel depressed most of the time at the moment and I'm only 28! I struggle to write more than 50 words a day mainly because of my full time job, stress levels and feeling of being a failure. I can go from zero to hero in a heartbeat. Unfortunately I can also go from hero to zero in less time, so I do understand how you feel. Take comfort though, you are a published author who is in demand. I am a struggling unpublished poor person trying not to get stuck everyday. I hate people who tell me that things could be worse and that I should concentrate on all the good things I have, but sometimes that just doesn't help and to be honest, makes you want to punch the person who said it for being such an insufferable know-it-all. Especially when you know they're right, things could be a lot worse...

JILLS said...

Cheers, Anne, I will take a look at your blog later, I prmoise. It sounds intriguing.

John - thank you so very much for your comments and I am sorry you are - as you say - depressed most of the time. I seriously think it goes with the territory and I prefer to call it "Artist's Temprament" as I did in a few of my earlier blogs.

Please don't feel too discouraged. Being able to write creatively is a wonderful gift in its own right and it is unique to each and every writer and poet.

The fact you can jot words on paper makes you a talented man and it makes me proud to know you.

I will look out for your blog, too.
Best wishes always.