Wednesday 18 March 2009


I have got lots and lots and lots of fingers in pies and toes in doors in the wonderful world of writing right now. It is all due to a realisation at the beginning of the year. It is something I have known for a while but never really acted on and it is this - if I don't make it happen, nobody else will. It is that simple. In fairness to myself, I think I did act on it before when I was writing jelly baby stories for Trebor Basset and running creative writing courses at adult education centres and workshops for children at local libraries - and writing a weekly children's column for the local rag. That all happened in the space of a year and it was because I made it happen. I had realised then - and have re-realised now - that opportunities seldom come knocking at my door unless I have knocked on theirs first.

After my stint in the literary desert during the tail end of last year, I just knew that I had to get out there and sell myself again. Not as a high-class hooker you understand - but as the person I am - the writer. So I have contacted and signed up with two companies who use ghost writers and have already been invited to pitch for a series of boys' adventure stories. I got my sample chapter in two weeks ago and hope to hear soon whether or not I have won the commission. If I don't get it, it won't matter. At least the company took me seriously enough to consider me. I contacted someone about a local interest book three weeks ago and have a second meeting lined up about that next week so fingers crossed there (quite difficult when they are already in pies but I'll try anything once). I have been in touch with the local tourist information centre and made some suggestions for an exhibition there on the theme of local literary connections (and Croydon has quite a few, believe it or not) so I will follow that up over the next day or two. I crawled out of my comfort zone and ventured into Brighton all by myself last Thursday to attend a Society of Authors seminar at the wonderful Jubilee Library - and that was a real eye-opener. I met Judy Cornwell!! We shook hands and chatted and sat next to each other and I understood I was back in my true world. I suddenly realised I have been starving myself of litarary oxygen. I truly need to mingle with other writers from time to time.

On top of all that, I have actually been invited to take part in an exclusive poetry competition and that is the first time that has ever happened. I am writing whenever I get the chance, and looking for new openings all the time. It is amazing how inspired and alive I feel again. I am always telling aspiring poets and writers to believe in themselves and their writing. I have always been good at firing up others. But none of that amounts to a thing if I don't pratice what I preach, does it? Current projects include re-establishing contact with the Duchess of York with regards to picking up the thread of an idea for a project we got close to a couple of years ago that never came to fruition. I am also trying to contact a number of celebrities with a view to asking them to read and comment on the Yucketypoo series so that they can be quoted on the cover of either the second or third book. I have somehow become involved with the Earl's Court Literature Festival which takes place in July (long story - tell you about that another time) and I am seeing new chances everywhere I look. All I need now is an agent - sadly that still eludes me and it is not through lack of trying. Eventually I will find one. And a website - which I am working on.

I am offering my services as a writer and critic to anyone that needs it. I am good at what I do.
Contact me. I'd love to help you turn your writing career around, too.


Sheila Cornelius said...

Excellent blog, at least for me because I can relate to so much of this- such as feeling it's good to get out and mingle with writers and only you can make it happen. You seem to be doing very well. Hope you get the commission you applied for.

Area 17 said...

I second what Sheila says. I'm also good at firing others up, and I'd say you have a lot of potentially great things lined up!

We all need our bread and butter projects and you seem to be on the right track. Well done, and a fine blog.

Anne Brooke said...

So lovely to hear that things are going well for you - go, girl, go!!



JILLS said...

Thank you all for your lovely comments! Things really are moving and I am determined, this time, to see everything through to its conclusion. I have stopped hiding in the wings, stepped outside my comfort zones - and yesterday secured my first book signing! I am starting to like the Jilly that is emerging.

Lots od love to all of you.

Area 17 said...

Wow, and well said! It's a difficult climate out there, but there are still a heck of lot of people who want and like books and appreciate good writing.

Congratulations on the book signing, and I hope you enjoy every minute, even the tough inbetween parts! ;-)

all my very best,

With Words