Wednesday 7 May 2008


On my way home from work this evening, I counted no less than five abandoned pens lying in the street. Being me, my immediate thought - as a writer - was "Are they trying to tell me something?" One of them was really nice and must have cost a fortune new - all silver scrolling and gold edging - but I couldn't reach it so I was not able to rescue it. I have never seen that many pens lining my route home before, so of course I was reading all kinds of secret codes and signs into it! What do you think?

So here is the latest. I went to the doctor on Friday and asked if these tests are absolutely necessary. Had she seen something in my blood tests that she hadn't told me about? Was there actually a reason, other than the fact I am ever so slightly anaemic? She answered no on both counts. So why did she feel these tests were so important? She said that there is nothing wrong, and no, the tests aren't that important. So why then had she felt such a drastic step should be taken? Only because - and I quote - "You are young; you have never been anaemic before and I like to consider every option." Now I am all for doctors and health professionals being thorough, but I still felt she was being over-cautious. So I suggested a compromise. Could we try a course of iron tablets for a few months then get some more blood tests done? If she isn't happy with them and my blood count is still low, then I'll go for any further tests she deems necessary. She agreed. So I have got three months until I need to worry about it again.

I walked out of that surgery feeling as if I have achieved something for mankind. A huge weight was lifted from my shoulders. She may like to consider every option, but I know my body better than she does, and I know there is nothing wrong with me. Everything is functioning normally; I just need to get my blood count up - end of story. So if your doctor ever suggests something you really don't feel necessary, Blogspot Buddies, say so. Patient Power!

And now onto the other blight of my life - the redundancy/recinded-redundancy/redundancy issue. I am being worked on my several experts who all feel I should stay; Chairman is popping his head round the door every five minutes and smiling broadly. Newish MD keeps reminding me I am in the strongest position I have ever been in with that company. And Friendly Colleagues all keep peering at me doe-eyed and saying "What will we do when you've gone?" The truth of the matter is that I have insider knowledge of Former Line Manager's customer database and they are anxious not to lose any following his resignation. Technically I am still under notice and my finishing date is still 16th May. I will not be pushed into making a decision.
Consequently, I went for an interview this morning and think it all went rather well. Admittedly it is full time as opposed to part-tme - so the writing will still be designated to the evenings and weekends - but at least our income won't suffer. I was told as I left the interview that someone will be in touch to let me know whether or not I go onto the second one. And they know I have had this offer from Current Company so they know they have to move fast. We shall just have to wait and see. I know they were inundated with replies so I won't hold my breath. But it was nice to be made to feel I have something to offer still - besides Former Line Manager' s sodding customer database!

Watch this space for the further exiting episode of FIFTY & NOT OUT (produced live in front of a Blogging audience).


Anne Brooke said...

You go, girl!! People power for sure. Don't let the buggers make you do anything you don't want to. And write that story while you're at it!!



JILLS said...

Thank you Anne. You are my little ray of sunshine! The writing is coming back bit by bit - rather like the sensation of feeling does after a period of numbness or pins and needles!