Wednesday 13 May 2009


I wave a gallant hand and head off to hospital tomorrow for my knee operation. I daren't confess I am scared brainless - not even to myself! It isn't helped when someone says "Oh yes - I know someone who had that done - to both knees. It took him almost a year to recover!" (thank you Colleague Who Shall Remain Nameless). It isn't the op itself I am worried about - just the fact I will likely as not feel battered and bruised for a few days and be hobbling around on crutches. Ah well - as Mary Poppins said - if I must, I must! It needs doing; end of story.

Hoping not to be out of commission for too long, though. Lots going on - second children's book due out soon, third children's book needing swift re-write, research for Local Interest Book gaining momentum (have at least half a dozen meetings to line up when I am back on my feet for this project), Poems running round in my head looking for a way out like demented ants - and poor old Writewords has taken a huge backseat of late so need to catch up with them, too. Bearing all this in mind, Hubby suggested today that I bring Laptop down to living room tonight just in case the muse takes me (after I recover from the anaesthetic) so will do that.

Hopefully be well enough to do another blog in a few days. In the meantime, wish me luck as you wave me goodbye, here I go, cheerio, on my way ...

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