Thursday 16 October 2008


I know I have been a bit quiet of late but there hasn't really been a lot to write about since our weekend with the grandchildren. This weekend, Hubby and I are going to see Shout at The Chruchill Theatre in Bromley which is, as its title suggests, a musical set in 60s London featuring lots of 60s music, The next family event will be the one at our place introducing Youngest Grand-daughter to my side of the family so that'll be nice. And then there's the Tree-Lighting ceremony at Youngest Sister's village in West Sussex and finally a weekend in Worthing for Hubby and I two weeks before Christmas when we go to see the latest Rock musical, entitled Vampires Rock, which is evidently becoming something of a cult musical. Oh yes, we like our musicals. If you haven't seen We Will Rock You or Blood Brothers yet, please go as soon as you can.

As far as the writing is concerned, I have been going through something of a literary wilderness for a few weeks, only managing a few poems here and there which is not good at all. It isn't that I don't want to write, it is just finding the inclination to sit down and do it after spending all day at the office, that I find difficult. Anyway, I have taken the bull by the horns (or the writing by the quill) and signed up to write a 50,000 word novel by the end of November in an annual writing challenge. There are no main prizes, save a certificate, if you actually do it, but I just need to do something before the writer within dies completely. It will be good for me to have a deadline to work to again and if you are interested in finding out more about the challenge, go to

I know it won't suit everyone, but if it gets me writing again, I won't complain!

And I think that's about it for today - sorry I haven't something more interesting to write about, I will try to make amends next time, promise.

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