Friday 26 September 2008


It has been another difficult week (my life is full of them this year). Got another dreaded phone call on Tuesday morning - Mother was being rushed to hospital with a suspected heart attack! One of my colleagues drove me to the hospital. So scary seeing Mother hooked up to so many monitors and screens and wires; truly horrendous! Thank God it turned out to be no more than a strained muscle - but that wasn't established until Wednesday night by which time I'd spent almost as long at the hospital as she had! Barely ate all day Tuesday with all the worry. Nice that Middle Sister, Youngest Sister, Brother in Law and Eldest Neice all got the chance to visit and see how Mother was faring but it was a very dodgy 48 hours I can tell you. Anyway, she is home now. Her confidence has taken another massive knock but I am sure she'll bounce back - she usually does.

I have woken up in fine fettle today. Perhaps it is partly because Mother is ok. But I also think it is because Hubby and I are having Eldest Grand-daughter and Youngest Grandson over for the weekend. Youngest Grandson is now crawling, pulling himself up and navigating his way round by grabbing anything he can along the way - table-cloth, speaker-stand, CD rack, you name it. Eldest Grand-daughter, now three and quite the little madam, has learned (according to her mum) how to be defiant and stubborn and a handful. So Hubby and I have certainly got a busy weekend ahead. Not that we would have them any other way, you understand. But I have a feeling we'll be exhausted by Sunday when they go home.

And finally, very quickly, it is good to see a bit of sunshine don't you think? I know it isn't very warm - but it certainly looks pretty as the sun catches the golden leaves on the trees and the emerald wing of the parakeet.

Wow! I must be feeling good - I am thinking like a poet again!


Anne Brooke said...

Great news - so glad your mother is okay, but what a nightmare finding out ...

Enjoy a sunshiny weekend for sure!


JILLS said...

Bless your heart Anne, and thank you for reading. How fares the writing?