Wednesday 13 August 2008


On 23rd August - which is actually the day we fly out to Jersey - it will be one year since I pledged on my blog that my goal was to be writing full time by that date one year on. Well - as we all know it hasn't happened. This makes me sit back and take stock of what actually has happened in that 12 months and I am not actually too sure where to begin really. Obviously the Yucketypoo book being published, printed and bound must be the first thing mentioned really - and I still carry the first copy I ever got around wih me because I still get days when I can't believe it has actually happened. Writing-wise, I am pleased that I finally got the two sequels written but we are still not certain the second one will be out by ths Christmas which is something of a worry. Other successes in that area are having another poem accepted for inclusion in a new anthology and the fact that two editors have actually come up and asked me if I'd be interested in writng for them. Robert Hale said they wouldn't mind seeing the fist three chapters and a synopsis of my long-planned but as yet unwritten historical novel so we will have to wait and see if anything comes of that.

On the whole, I am quite pleased with what I have achieved writing-wise but it pains me to relate that I still have not succeeded in finding an agent who is prepared to take me on! I know I still have a huge amount of writing to do - but the problem is lack of time, as ever! And on particularly busy days at the day job, I do wonder sometimes if I am ever going to be able to be really free to just be what I believe God intended me to be. I know He moves in mysterious ways - I just hadn't bargained for all the detours along the way! Again - I will just have to wait and see. I cannot believe I have come this far to just let it all fall by the wayside.

Importantly, I have discovered a whole circle of lovely Blog-spot Buddies who have cheered with me during the high times, brightened my mood during the low times and generally put up with my grumblings, so thank you all.

And now I suppose, I shall just have to start making plans for the next year.

Just one question - does FIFTY ONE & NOT OUT have the same ring to it? Hmmm! That's a poser. Answers on a postcard please!

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