Tuesday 15 January 2008


I simply could not believe it when I woke up this morning with yet another cold! What is going on? I had my flu jab like all good asthmatics should and yet, here we are, two weeks into January and I am full of cold! Anyway at least it didn't rear its ugly head until today because on Saturday, we went to meet the latest addition to the family. He is just teeny - with the most unruly mop of almost-black hair you can imagine, and the darkest eyes which have clearly not yet adjusted to the harsh bright light outside the warm dark comfort of his mother's womb! I really cannot temember First Grandson or Grand-daughter being that little, but I suppose they must have been. Grand-daughter went from being the baby of the family to every inch the big sister in one leap! She even looked so much more grown up than when we saw her just after Christmas!

Grand-daughter very proudly took Hubby's hand when we arrived and led us into the house having chattered all the way from the train station about her brother. Half way down the hall way she bolted ahead and by the time we reached the living room, she was standing beside the little mite with a big smile on her face. Highlight of the afternoon just had to be after First Grandson turned up with Eldest Stepdaughter and the three children endured a photo call truly befitting of A-List celebrities, with cameras from proud parents, aunties and grandparents flashing at every turn - all of which they tolerated with astonishing good grace considering one is 12, one is two and the other only six days old! It really was the most wonderful afternoon, although, in retrospect, I suspect that having a houseful of people less than a week after giving birth, all got to be a bit too much for Youngest Stepdaughter. Her hormones are already in disarray and she ended up just a tad tearful by about eight in the evening. Hubby and I kissed them all and came home but a telephone call once we got in convinced us Youngest Stepdaughter was feeling better and things were back on track.

I realise I promised you a writing update this blog but I really feel rough and it is time for my next dose of Beechams so, if you will please excuse, I will come back to that another time!

Bye for now - my bed is calling.


Nik Perring said...

Fab news about the grandson, not so much about the cold.

Received Yucketypoo this morning and loved it!

Get better soon.


JILLS said...

So pleased it finally reached you - and just as pleased that you liked it! Thank you Nik, for letting me know. And for your good wishes ref grandson and cold.

All the best always.

Anne Brooke said...

Fab news - well done to all! But sorry about the cold

Hugs galore


JILLS said...

Thank you Anne. How are you? What are your plans for this year?

All the best.
